Fezelry Jewelry Desings

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Accessorizer of the Year"


Christine Haynes

Owner/Designer, Fezelry Jewelry Designs

"Accessorizer of the Year"

Thanks to all of you, Fezelry Jewelry Designs made the final 5 and we are in the running to win Fashion Awards Maryland, Accessorizer of the Year!

This is the final round, every vote counts, we made it this far let’s see if we can go all the way!!

Please take a moment and Vote for Fezelry Jewelry Designs as Fashion Awards Maryland Accessorizer of the year!

Here's how:

1. Visit www.fashionawardsmd.com

2. Click the "VOTE" button


4. Locate the accessories category Question (Question # 1)

5. Select "Christine Haynes, Fezerly Jewelry Designs," then SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION!

Please share this information with your friends, family, colleagues and together we can make it happen!

Nominations must be submitted no later than, Thursday, May 31 11:59pm Only (1) nomination per computer permitted and no personal information is needed to submit your nomination.

Words cannot express how much I appreciate your support. If you have purchased Fezelry Jewelry, admired Fezelry Jewelry, sent a note of support, "liked" Fezelry Jewelry, referred a friend/client/coworker, wrote an article/blog post about Fezelry Jewelry, welcomed me on your show as a guest to discuss Fezelry Jewelry; if you cheered me on in the background, if you prayed for me, or sent positive energy into the universe for me … no matter what you have done to support me and Fezelry Jewelry Designs all of your support in whatever form, means the world to me and I want to take this moment to say Thank You!

Winners will be announced at the live event on Saturday, June 9, 4:00pm at The Kay Theatre, University of MD.

I would really appreciate it if you could share this info with your networks, ask them to vote for Christine Haynes, Fezelry Jewelry Designs Fashion Awards MD Accessorizer of the Year.

Thank you again for all of your support.