Christine Haynes, Owner/Designer Fezelry Jewelry Designs, doesn't just adorn some of the hottest TV personalities in the Washington D.C. area, she was also selected as the exclusive jewelry sponsor for The Newsbabes Bash for Breast Cancer to design two original creations that were presented as gifts to the guests of honor... Susan G. Komen founder Ambassador Nancy Brinker and D.C.'s First Lady Michelle Fenty.
Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, Founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure,
Christine Haynes, Fezelry Jewelry Designs.
Amb. Brinker is holding the custom designed piece gifted to her at the Newsbabes Bash for Breast Cancer created by Christine Haynes, Fezerly Jewelry Designs
* Above Photo credit Vonetta Dumas*
Custom necklace designed exclusively for Ambassador Nancy Brinker by Christine Haynes, Fezelry Jewelry Designs.
Pink and white double strand pearl necklace with sterling silver, pearl and crystal flower focal.
Christine Haynes, Fezelry Jewelry Designs
Washington DC's First Lady Michelle Fenty
Custom necklace designed exclusively for First Lady Michelle Fenty by Christine Haynes, Fezelry Jewelry Designs.
Pink triple strand pearl necklace. Pear shaped top drilled pearls create a unique wave effect.