To All my loyal supporters and friends:
I must start with an apology, with all the excitement surrounding the Fezelry Jewelry Designs Fashion Awards MD Accessorizer of the Year Nomination, and the event itself, I simply have not had the time to send out an update. For this I sincerely apologize. I have received so many e-mails and calls asking if we won the award, and unfortunately I must announce that we did not come away with the award. But we are certainly humbled and encouraged by the nomination and the incredible uplifting support from all of you. I am overjoyed by your continued support and I can not find adequate words to express my gratitude.
There is always next year, and Fezelry will be doing some amazing things to ensure another nomination and hopefully an award. It was truly an honor to have been nominated, and to discover that after over ten thousand public votes had been submitted Fezelry Jewelry Designs was in the top 6 finalists. Needless to say I am still in awe! Honestly, the exposure from the nomination alone has been amazing! Thanks to Fashion Awards Maryland, and all of you, for creating a platform where we can be recognized for our industry achievements! I look forward to what lies ahead for Fezelry Jewelry Designs and stay tuned as I continue to share all of our excitement with you!
Visit our Facebook fan page at the link below to check out a few pictures from the red carpet pre-show interviews: Fashion Awards MD 2012
Everyday Fabulous
Better Blueprint
What does everyday fabulous even look like?! A fair question and a loaded
question! I’m going to throw out a few criteria to consider or...
2 weeks ago
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