Fact: An estimated 76% of patients will die within one year of diagnosis.
Cancer of the pancreas is sometimes called a “silent” disease because symptoms are not usually present in early stages. Many patients have advanced disease by the time it becomes noticeable to the patient and the doctors.
Thanksgiving Day 1996 my mother was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer...by the time doctors discovered the cancer it was already metastasized into her liver and other major organs... December 16, 1996 she passed away.
Fact: Pancreatic cancer research is drastically under-funded and as a result, relatively few researchers are investigating the disease as compared with researchers focusing on breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, etc.
In memory of my mother and all the people that have lost and continue to fight the battle with this cancer, please help us support the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Help us raise funds for education and research so another person does not have to sit by and watch a loved one slip away to this disease.
During the Month of November, a portion of ALL Fezelry Jewelry www.fezelry.com sales will be donated directly to The Pancreatic Action Network.
Of course it is not about jewelry sales but raising awareness and funds, we also encourage you to consider donating directly to The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network: http://pancan.org/section_donate/donate_now.php if you select to make a donation directly to PANCAN e-mail us the confirmation and we will give you 10% off any future Fezerly Jewelry Purchase as a thank you!
Spread the word and get the facts about Pancreatic Cancer (The Silent Disease) http://www.pancan.org/index.php
Thank you -

My Mother. In December 1996 I lost my mother to this devastating cancer.
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